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❤️How is 2024 going so far?✨

Oh hey! We just wanted to drop in and ask, how is 2024 going for you so far? We are over half way through February and hopefully some of the pressure and attention has been released from the whole New Year's resolutions and New Year New You hype that is typical of the beginning of every single year! Maybe you're feeling amazing and like you're living your best life, or maybe you feel like you got off on the wrong foot and you're struggling a little bit. It's a good idea to set some time aside at the beginning of the year to set the tone for the rest of the year. Personally, Bethany and I do not believe in New Year's resolutions and all the extremely lofty goals that people set because they just don't work. Personally, we believe that setting mindful intentions full of purpose and optimism is the way to go. Here are our top three tips to set yourself up for a great year ahead.

  1. Look back to reflect; but move forward Have you ever heard the saying, "don't look back. You're not going that way." Well it's absolutely true. We think it's best to review the year, be truthful with yourself by asking what went well and what didn't, what made you feel good and what no longer served you. Do not waste time beating yourself up over it - it does no good. Learn the lessons and move on. Just remember to apply the lessons, otherwise they were in vain.

  2. Be grateful! Being grateful, on a daily basis, will literally change your life. Let's start with why. If you're living in a state of gratitude; you cannot live in lack, fear, jealousy, anger or even unhappiness. The two conditions simply cannot exist at the same time because negative emotions live in the past or the future, whereas gratitude happens in the present! So, next time you're feeling a little blue, just remember, the antidote is gratitude. It doesn't take much, a little gratitude in the morning while you're brushing your teeth or driving to work is all it takes to boost your feels! Think of the things you have, the people you love (and love you) and the favorable situations in your life right now!

  3. Set intentions for yourself. We thought we would share some personal intentions that are helping guide our 2024. Bethany shares that she is being more intentional with drinking more water. Focusing on being in the present moment in daily interactions and situations. She is also being really intentional in choosing one thing that will get her one step closer to her goals, each day. My intentions are to make decisions more mindfully and with greater awareness rather than emotions. I have made it a big intention to take things less personally and to check in with myself when a situation or person has me feeling some type of way. Lastly, I made it an intention to prioritize my health through fitness and nutrition; in the long run I want to thrive not just survive!

We hope these tips help you set the tone for a great year ahead. It is never too late to start, and it is never too late to get back to it. Even if things have not gone as you wished they would so far, now is not the time to throw in the towel.

Leave us a comment and let us know which tip resonates the most with you and which tips you would add to our list! We would love to hear from you!


Bethany & Christina

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Jennifer Kust
Jennifer Kust
Feb 23, 2024

‘Look back to reflect, but move forward’

That tip is a wonderful reminder to give ourselves grace while striving to do more.

Thank you for the inspiring message!

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